Time for Change - Statement of Candidacy

Like many Alaskans, I was a split ticket voter in the previous election cycle. I joined the race to move Alaskan issues to the front of the congressional agenda. We need to accomplish 3 things in the next term:

1. Outlaw Bottom Trawl

2. End Corporate Homeownership

3. Fund Social Security

Trawling is destroying our oceans, slaughtering marine wildlife, denying subsistence lifestyles, and threatening our tourism industry. Corporate welfare of the fishing industry and special interests threaten our way of life. The solution to reduce Trawl bycatch is simple: Eliminate it.

Another assault on our liberties is in the form of hostile corporate takeovers of our basic human needs: Shelter. Corporations should not be able to deny citizens their opportunity at homeownership. Private property owned by citizens allows us to obtain financial freedom and promote community engagement. We must take action to end the abuse from billion-dollar corporations to our citizens. A government for the people, by the people, made of the people, should protect their people.

Social Security should be funded. I do not support American tax dollars funding foreign wars while our own citizens suffer from mismanagement. The federal government has significant waste within the annual budget, including billions of dollars given to foreign nations that continually take advantage of us. Seniors who have spent their entire life paying into a system that is approaching insolvency as soon as 2033 deserve the benefits they paid for. Anything short is theft. My generation faces the reality it may not receive this benefit. While it is easy to feel hopeless, let's make a statement that we will not accept the conditions career politicians have forced upon us.

Join us on August 20th to earn the fourth spot in the general election for Alaska's sole seat in the United States House of Representatives. Two years is enough time to make headway for these issues that plague us. While many challenges face us, electing new, energetic leadership is the first step in making demonstrative change to our lives.

Our Campaign

Our first three issues are clearly defined. Many issues face Alaskans & all of Americans today. Find our stance on all issues by clicking the link below.

Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause or participate yourself. As we battle billion-dollar corporations, your support is paramount. Send a message to Washington, and the rest of the world. Vote with us!